Monday, October 26, 2015

Look up!

I got my first mobile (or cell) phone when I was in high school. I bought it myself, after saving a few installments of my scholarship. I remember it as it had had happened today. It was a royal blue motorola (as shown in the picture below). Not a lot of my friends had one and it was a hit.

As years passed by, mobile devices became necessity. And a trend. And a must. And as every cliché goes, so does this post. As useful and necessary they are, they have become a burden to socializing. To talking. To looking the people in the face while talking to them. You get in a coffee shop and everyone stares down. It's no longer fun to dress up and go out just to be seen. You get on the bus and all you see is people faces enlightened by these small magic devices. I remember people interacting a lot more on the bus when I was a kid. I met so many people, talked to so many interesting characters that you get to meet only once in your life and years on ask yourself what had happened to that one person you met that time when you were traveling from this city to that. I mean, the magic of the human interaction is gone. It all came up to 'I'll text you', or 'I'll FaceBook you', or 'I'll (insertwhateverappyouuse) you'. Rare have become the people that call you just to hear your voice. 

What bothers me the most are the heads down. It's like people are magnetized to these small screens, never looking up. Maybe only for crossing the street. Even then, they'll glimpse at their phone, as the thing they're reading will somehow disappear when you get on the other side of the road. C'mon people, LOOK UP!

There is so much you're missing. What happened to randomly noticing new stuff along the road, along the pavement? What happened to randomly catching someone's glimpse and smiling? What happened to enjoying the diversity of the public transport passengers? That old lady that is all dressed up with a hair updo. She must have some very special occasion. Or that man in a suit. He is probably getting off from work. Or that kid with the backpack. Or that beautiful girl with the beautiful eyes. Or that handsome man that tries to steal your attention by trying to 'keep it cool'.

Look up, people. There is so much happening around, and yet we are still blindsided. Magnetized. Hypnotized. 

Look up! It's where life happens.

Look up! Cause if you wait for too long, there might be no one the next time you look up.

Look up! The phone doesn't love you. But people do.

Look up!!!

1 comment:

  1. We cannot imagine our life without a mobile phone :/ however we should look up, because while we are wasting our time on mobile phones we miss a lot of things!
