Feel like writing a post. I couldn't come up with a topic, so I just decided to start and see where it takes me. It's always been like that. Even when I was in primary school and got an assignment for my literature class, I wouldn't exactly know how my essay would go. I would just start and then let my pen lead the way. At times I would get confused and start all over again and at times I would just go on and on until I was pleased with what I've written. And most of the times when I didn't know how to start and just went with it, turned out to be my best essays, like you wouldn't believe. What it only takes is to just start. And don't give up. Either go on until you are satisfied, or start all over again.
It's the same with life. Why do we get so disappointed? Why do we give up? It's not like it'll change by itself. We gotta work on it. Like on an essay. Even if you think there is no time and the deadline is near, you can do it. How many nights you finished a masterpiece in just a few hours before it was due? Funny thing, this brain of ours. It can make wonders if we only let it.
It's the same with life. Why not continue to grow and develop until we are satisfied? You failed and you quit? Why not continue and see where it takes you? It might be some new experience, a new way to handle things. It may open your horizons and make you see the thing from another perspective.
It is the same. You tried and failed and that's it? Why not just try one more time. Maybe this is the time when you get it right. Or the time after that. You feel like you have exhausted all your options and you just give in. Start all over again. And then again. And again. It takes many times, but when you make it right, you know it and you feel accomplished. You feel free.
I'll make this one short. I obviously wanted to convey a message to all of you out there. Just like a paper due tomorrow, where you gotta work smart to finish it, work with life. It might cut a few hours short on your sleep, but it'll be worth it. Keep going and never give up. Or start all over again and never give up.
If you are seeking for someone else's approval, don't. If you are out for recognition, don't be. The only person that should approve your actions is no one else, but you. The only person that you should seek recognition from is yourself. And until you are satisfied with yourself, until you give yourself that recognition that means so much to you, don't stop. Keep going. One step at a time. You'll get there, I promise.
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