Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Eyes wide shut

When it comes to a great turmoil, events that the general mass can not digest, congestion is inevitable. When it comes to everyday bullshit, and I am talking the dullest and shallowest bullshit product of the mass media, it seem like people have no issue of accepting it. Like a perpetual state of mind. It reminds me of the frog experiment. The premise is that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. 

The frog experiment is an excellent metaphor for what has been happening all around the world, and piece by piece, bite by bite, small portion at a time, and people become unaware of the bullshit they have been served with and are eating on a daily basis. Three to four times a day. Depending on your cultural diet. 

Culture. Society. Citizenship. Patriotism. Nationalism. Preserving cultural heritage. Bullshit. Cultural programming. Mass hallucination. Blunt eyes, empty words and shallow stories. Mass consumerism and capitalism drowners. Consumerism as a social and economic order and ideology encourages the acquisition of goods and services in ever-increasing amounts. Materialism.

It is so dull, it hurts.

Eyes wide shut.

Talk to me

Talk to me about yesterday
what you ate and what you did
how many hours did you sleep
how many minutes you thought of me
if any at all.

Talk to me about you
Your dreams and ambitions
your soul inhibitions
heart inquisitions
and mind composition.

Talk to me in superlatives.
I wanna know your passion
see the sparkle in your eyes
what makes you smile
what brings you up.

Talk to me about anything
Just talk, to hear your voice.
Talk to me about everything
just talk, theme is your choice.
Just talk to me!
Art: Longing by Shelby McQuilkin

We were meant to be

We were meant to be
You and me, we were part
of a universal agreement
when stardust came together.

We were meant to be
as the moon belongs
to the dark sky at night.

We were meant to be.
But not at the same time.
Not in the same place.

We were meant to be,
but we did it wrong.


It seems like
every time that I see you
my muse awakens.

And not only her.
All my estrogen-fueled 
body parts.

All my endorphin-induced 
brain cells.
All my senses.

All my thoughts of sinning.
With you.
All the way!