I fall in love thousand times a day. I fall in love so easily, so freely, so innocently. Be it my first morning coffee, or the soft brisk of fresh air, the little child that smiled at me or the cat that followed me home and all she wanted was to pet her. I fall in love with beautiful eyes of a stranger that unintentionally looked my way. I fall in love with the smile of the people, their soft way of walking, their hair. Most of all, I fall in love with a beautiful soul.
A few nights ago, two bottles of a fine red wine were the gateway that led me to meeting a beautiful soul once again. A beautiful creature with the most magnetizing eyes. I have met her before. So many years ago. A persona of my past, carved in my memory as the most innocent little creature with the most beautiful eyes. Two-lined chit-chat was enough for reacquainting her hypnosis. Yes, I am talking about a woman. Met her as a girl, got reacquainted to a woman. Still beautiful, still the same magnetizing smile, aura-pure kindness. But, her eyes... her eyes were telling a different story. A sad story.
Remembering moments of our past, when our paths crossed for a short period of time, retelling the stories of our foolishness, bringing up talks and feelings that are now ancient history. Glass by glass, word by word, story by story, we came to a point where we needed to fill in the blanks of our fading away years. So much pain and so many tears and so many screams for help. She was pouring her soul out, to the very last drip of it. The story her eyes tell. The story of a broken soul.
The person I once knew as the innocent little girl with the beautiful eyes was now a broken soul. What struck me the most was the pain in her eyes. Her pain, and yet, somehow, they still had the little innocent spark in them. The casual drink turned into a night out. As soon as we walked into the bar, five guys approached her. I am not exaggerating. And those weren't the only ones. Her presence was a shining light in the middle of the overcrowded place. Amongst all the alcohol and cigarette smoke, her face grimaced the amount of wine in her blood stream, yet she was stunningly magnetizing. Guys fighting over her attention, asking me where had she been till now. They didn't see her eyes. They didn't know her personality. Hungry male egos fighting over her beauty. Just her presence. "Where has she been all these years?" - I heard this too many times. As she was dancing, I watched her. The male shallowness begged for her company. Her eyes begged to forget.
Broken dreams, broken heart, broken soul. Twinkling eyes, happy looking face, smiling lips. Painful reality of many lives. Sensitive people are the most genuine and honest people you will ever meet. There is nothing they won’t tell you about themselves if they trust your kindness. However, the moment you betray them, reject them or devalue them, they become the worse type of person. Unfortunately, they end up hurting themselves in the long run. They don’t want to hurt other people. It is against their very nature. They want to make amends and undo the wrong they did. Their life is a wave of highs and lows. They live with guilt and constant pain over unresolved situations and misunderstandings. They are tortured souls that are not able to live with hatred or being hated. This type of person needs the most love anyone can give them because their soul has been constantly bruised by others. However, despite the tragedy of what they have to go through in life, they remain the most compassionate people worth knowing, and the ones that often become activists for the broken hearted, forgotten and the misunderstood. They are angels with broken wings that only fly when loved. That's why she was enjoying the attention.
Who fixes broken people? Is it only other broken people, ones who've already been ruined? And do we need to be fixed? It was the messiness and hurt in our pasts that drove us, and that same hurt connected us at a sub-dermal level, the kind of scars written so deeply in your cells that you can't even see them anymore, only recognize them in someone else. Behind these eyes there is a girl trapped within her pain – a girl feeling all the emotions of anger and sadness. She’s fighting for a way out.
She is a beautiful soul. A soul broken in million pieces and brought back together. And her light still beams. Cause the broken souls are the most beautiful ones, once you get to know their story.
Her story...was told by her eyes.